Seraya Investment Webcast #1
Panah Fund 10th anniversary; intro to the new Seraya website and Substack; Seraya's new Sustainability policy; recent topics of discussion with investors - AI, the Chinese economy + China-Taiwan risks
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Welcome to the first Seraya Investment webcast.
This webcast is 34 minutes in length, and touches on the following topics:
Panah Fund 10th anniversary – a big thank you to all investors;
The new Seraya Investment website and Substack newsletter page;
Recent topics of discussion with investors, including: Artificial Intelligence, economic growth in China, and the risk of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.
The password for this webcast has been sent to all those on the Panah Fund distribution list. If you are not on the distribution list but wish to access the webcast, please contact us to request the password.
Thank you for watching.
The Seraya Investment & Panah Fund team